Home Sermons BUC Worship Service – June 9

BUC Worship Service – June 9

09 Jun

BUC Worship Service – June 9

Balzac Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada 
Sunday June 9, 2024
Minister: Rev. Kelly Grittner 
Music Ministry: Dr. Alex Shawn and Lee Dowan 

Prelude  He Leadeth Me! O Blessed Thought arr. M. Hayes 

Welcoming and Land Acknowledgement 
“As we gather together, let us pause to remember that we live, work and worship on lands that are, by law, the unceded territories of the nations of Treaty 7. As Christ’s people, may we be people of love, of truth, and of reconciliation. May we live with respect on this land, and in peace and friendship with its people.” 

Service link
Bulletin link
Reflection link
special music link

 Lighting the Christ Candle 

Call to Worship
Come and see, the Holy Spirit is here: the wild wind who blows away our doubts and fears; the warm fire who sets our hearts ablaze; the one who remains with us forever. Come and worship God our maker, who has sent the Spirit to guide us and give us comfort Come let us worship God, Parent, Son and Spirit. 

Hymn Morning Has Broken VU 409 

Opening Prayer 
We are all part of the family of creation, 
From the tiniest plants to the tallest trees 
Sand, rocks and mountains 
Tiny insects, chirping birds, barking dogs, 
cats and elephants 
Rivers, streams, and oceans 
Wind, storms, the air we breathe 
People of all shapes and sizes, colors and ages, 
different personalities and ideas. 
Sometimes we forget that we are all 
Loving God, let your Spirit unite us, 
and remind us that we are all a family— 
brothers and sisters with all people, 
brothers and sisters with all creation. Amen 

Hymn Touch the Earth Lightly VU 307 

Scripture Reading 2 Samuel 11:1-15 

Special MusicHallelujah” Lyrics by R. Beagle Solo : Ron Beagle 
listen to the special music here

Reflection: “Hallelujah & Restarts” 
Listen to the Reflection here

Presentation Of The Offering

Offertory Response What Can I Do? Verse 1 MV 191 

Dedication Of The Offering 
We release our grip on these gifts O God, 
trusting that they will produce sustenance for new life, shade for those who seek rest, renewal and refreshment for those people and those places that need it most. Amen. 

Prayers for the Day & The Lord’s Prayer 
Our Father, who art in heaven. 
hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, 
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive 
those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil. 
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, 
forever and ever. Amen 

Hymn One More Step Along the World I Go VU 639 

Spirit of wind and fire, Spirit of mystery and promise, Spirit of God, our Helper, 
blow at our backs,
breathe in our hearts,
be the energy for all we do
to spread love and justice. 
The blessing of God the Father,
God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
the One who Mothers us all
be with you always. Amen 

Postlude All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name arr. M. Hayes