BUC Worship Service – September 29
Balzac Pastoral Charge
of the United Church of Canada
Sunday September 29, 2024
Worship Leader: Dr Alex Shawn
Music Ministry: Lee Dowan & Dr Alex Shawn
Prelude: Blessed Assurance arr. M. Hayes
Welcoming and Announcements
Service link
Bulletin link
Reflection link
Land Acknowledgement
“As we gather together, we acknowledge that we are meeting on the unceded territories of the nations of Treaty 7. May we live with respect on this land, and in peace and friendship with its people.”
Lighting of The Christ Candle
Call To Worship
Let us enter this place together, ready to worship with thanksgiving for the abundance of God’s Blessings that we receive every day.
God gave us a wide and wondrous world in which to live.
Here, in this holy place, in community, surrounded by the wonders of God’s glorious Creation, we worship with prayer, song, hearts, and minds.
This is the day that God has made! Let us rejoice and be glad!
Opening Hymn Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing VU 559
Opening Prayer:
We give thanks always and for everything.
We Thank you, O God.
For food and shelter, for family and friends,
We Thank you, O God.
For all your blessings that we fail to appreciate,
We Thank you, O God.
For our very lives and experiences and for those of our communities.
We Thank you, O God.
May you Spirit be with us and within us today as we worship, now and always.
Hymn: Blest Are They VU 896
Scripture Hymn Matthew 5: 1 – 12 – The Beatitudes
Sermon “Blessings in Disguise” Listen to the reflection here
Special Music “The Blessing” -D. Downs
Solo: Alex Shawn
Lister to the special music here
Presentation of the Offering
Offertory Response What Can I Do?” MV 191
Offertory Prayer:
Loving God, we have shared our gifts in the hope that they will be a witness to others of your kingdom to come, when your vision for your creation will be fulfilled. Amen
Closing Hymn God Who Blesses New Beginnings VU486
Blessings for the Journey:
The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you, And, be gracious to you;
The LORD lift-up His countenance upon you, And, give you peace.
Postlude: Count Your Blessings arr. K. Renfrow