Home Sermons BUC Cantata Service – December 22

BUC Cantata Service – December 22

22 Dec

BUC Cantata Service – December 22

 Worship with Airdrie and Balzac United Churches 
December 22th, 2024 – 10 a.m. – Advent 4 “Love” 
Ministers: Rev. Eva Biederman & Rev. Kelly Grittner 
Music Ministry: Lee Dowan, Beth Harrison, Dr. Alex Shawn 

Prelude: Watchman, Tell Us of the Night arr. M. Hayes 

Welcome and Announcements 

Service link
Bulletin link
Cantata link

The Christmas Wreath 

 Land Acknowledgement 
“As we gather together, we acknowledge that we are meeting on the unceded territories of the nations of Treaty 7. May we live with respect on this land, and in peace and friendship with its people.” 

Lighting the Advent Candle of Love 
How does a weary world practice love? 
By sending cards and picking up the phone. 
By practicing empathy, and assuming the best in others. By learning people’s stories and finding common ground. 
By advocating for justice and saving a place at the table. 
There are a million ways to practice love. 
So today we light the candle of love as a reminder and a charge. 
May we bring Love into a weary world. Amen. 
Rev. Sarah (Are) Speed | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org. 

Opening Hymn I Am the Dream MV10 

Call to Worship 
From ancient days, 
God has been present. 
From ancient days, 
we pray and we listen. 
From ancient days, 
the promise has sounded. 
From ancient days, 
we journey in hope. 
From ancient days, 
love finds new birth. 
From ancient days, 
we worship in wonder. 

Candles of Joy, Concern, & Sorrow 

Opening Prayer & Prayer of Confession 
In the midst of the bustle, we can lose sight of the quiet star that calls to us. 
Help us see the promise of this season. 
In the midst of the tasks, we can lose our way to the simple town called Bethlehem, and the story of the season. 
Help us journey to the source of this season. 
In the midst of the rush, we can lose our compassion for those who ask if there is any room in our hearts. Help us share the love of this season. Amen 

Scripture Reading 
Micah 5: 2-5a Out of Bethlehem in Judea will come a leader. 
One: This is a part of our story 
ALL: Thanks be to God! 

BUC Choir Christmas Cantata 
Were You There On That Christmas Night? arr. by Lloyd Larson 
Listen to the Cantata here

1. A Great Light 
2. Never Been a Night Like This! 

3. Sing We Now of Christmas 
Congregation: What Child Is This? VU 74 (Verses 1 and 3, Remain seated) 

4. Welcome To Our World Trio: Michelle J., Michelle K., Ron Beagle 

5. Were You There On That Christmas Night (N. Sleeth) 
Congregation: Hark! the Herald Angels Sing VU 48 (Remain seated) 

6. Glory to the Newborn King! 

Musical Offering
Love Came Down arr. M. Hayes – Beth Harrison 

Offering Prayer 
Bless the work of our lives and the love of our hearts this day, offered in so many ways. Let the soul of the world be restored in an ocean of your love. Amen 
Adapted from Gathering Jeff Werner, Trinity U.C. Acton, Ont 

Prayers of the People 

The Lord’s Prayer 
Our Father, Mother, Creator… 

Commissioning and Benediction 

Closing Hymn Go, Tell It on the Mountain VU 43 

Postlude: Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow arr. M. Hayes