BUC Worship Service – September 8
Balzac Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada
September 8, 2024
Ministers: Rev. Kelly Grittner
Music Ministry: Lee Dowan & Dr. Alex Shawn
Prelude Christians, We Have Met to Worship – arr. M. Hayes
Introit: The Little White Church by the Rail – Lyrics: R. Beagle
There’s a church in the valley by the railroad
Where stresses of living will pale.
No church is so anxious to welcome
As this Little White Church by the Rail.
So come, come, come, come,
Come to this church here in Balzac;
A church that will always prevail.
‘Cause there’s no finer place to worship
Than this Little White Church by the Rail.
In August we break for a short time,
But longing will always remain
For sermons that seem punctuated
By the horn of a passing train.
Welcoming and Announcements
Service link
Bulletin link
Reflection link
Land Acknowledgement
“As we gather together, we acknowledge that we are meeting on the unceded territories of the nations of Treaty 7. May we live with respect on this land, and in peace and friendship with its people.”
Lighting of the Christ Candle
With thankful hearts, we gather here where the doors are wide open to all.
We come with open hearts and open minds, thankful that we are children of the light of Christ. The candle is lit.
Hymn Come in, Come In and Sit Down VU 395
Call to Worship
The air we breathe
Is a gift of God
The food we eat
Is a gift of God
The life we live
Is a gift of God
The love we give
Is a gift of God
We remember
And give thanks!
Opening Prayer
God, giver of all good, you continually pour your benefits upon us. Age after age the living wait upon you and find that your faithfulness has no end, that your care is unfailing. We praise you that the mystery of life is a mystery of infinite goodness. We praise you for the order and constancy of nature; for the beauty and bounty of the earth; for day and night, summer and winter, seedtime and harvest; for the varied gifts of loveliness which every season brings. We give you thanks for all the comfort and joy of life, for our homes, for our friends, and for all the love, sympathy, and goodwill of all people. Amen.
Celebrate God’s Presence: A Book of Services for The United Church of Canada
Hymn I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me VU 575
Sharing Of Scripture – Mark 7:24–37
Reflection “A Place at the Table” Listen to the reflection here
Hymn Who is My Mother MV 178
Presentation Of The Offering
Offertory Response What Can I Do? MV 191
Dedication Of The Offering
Loving God, we express our thanksgiving through these offerings. May they further the work in the church, the community, and beyond. Amen
Prayers Of The People & The Lords Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come,
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
forever and ever. Amen
Hymn Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah VU 651
Words Of Commissioning & Blessing
Spirit of wind and fire,
Spirit of mystery and promise,
Spirit of God, our Helper,
blow at our backs,
breathe in our hearts,
be the energy for all we do
to spread love and justice.
The blessing of God the Father,
God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
the One who Mothers us all
be with you always. Amen
Postlude: Come, Christians to Join and Sing – Arr. M. Hayes