Home Annoucements_2024


Sunday Service

July 14
Sunday Service


Important dates for your Calendar:

July 7th – Western Sunday
July 14th – Rev. Shannon Mang will lead us.
July 21st – Rev. Shannon Mang will lead us.
July 28th – Rev. Kelly is with us and is the last service at BUC until September.

July 28th – Last Service at BUC until September


BUC Moving Forward – On May 19th, Rev Kelly presented the congregation with information regarding the sustainability issues that the church is facing and the process that is in place to inform the congregation of the work that has been done by the Board. He also provided dates for congregation involvement in the process and asked and received for feedback from those present. The information provided with his presentation is attached and some copies will also be available at the church. Kelly will also be talking about this on Sunday, May 26th and asking for input on the plan from the congregation who missed that service. We will also have a Congregation Conversation after the service on June 2nd to share ideas and answer any questions and concerns about this plan. The board appreciates your feedback and input as part of moving forward with this plan for the future of our church. – Ruth Unser

Quilt Fundraiser –🍂🍁Quilt tickets are on sale for $5! It has lovely fall designs to win for yourself or it would make a very special gift. 🍁🍂 ticket books of 10 are available to sell, please see Victoria or Joyce 🍁🍂

Bottle Fundraiser – Where to bring your refundable bottles and cans and help out BUC? Why to the Hometown Bottle Depot and Recycling in Airdrie! Then just ask them to add it to the Balzac United Church account.

  • E-Transfer Funds to BUC – If you would like to send an
  • Zoom – A general reminder that Zoom is always available each Sunday if you wish to join in for our Sunday worship service virtually.
  • Minister Contact Information – If you want to talk to Kelly Grittner, call him at 403-219-3535.

THIS YEAR IN 2024: Rural Ministry Network comes to Alberta – June 2024. For More Info on any of these events please see Zoe Walkes for more information via email. posted information available on multiple announcement boards around the church.

● Updated form Community Links: Different resources available for all, Take a look at the pin boards within the

church or talk with Zoe Walkes, to see the upcoming awareness, training, and support happening soon.

● Greeting cards sent out from BUC: A general reminder that if you know someone that needs a card sent out

from the church because of celebration, concern or illness, to please let Joyce Covey know as soon as you can.

Our church community is always connected and we have love and light filled to the top at our church, so please help us stay connected.

  • Income Tax Receipts – Income tax receipts for 2023 donations have been mailed out. If you have any questions or concerns about your income tax receipt, please contact Ruth Unser at runser@shaw.ca or call at 403-289-2715. Ruth is acting Envelope Secretary in the absence of Michelle Kotelko.
  • New Development Info: In the discussion at the AGM I mentioned that I would send out the link for the map of the new development in Airdrie, Goldwyn Prairie Estates. Here is the link if people were interested in looking at it: https://liveingoldwyn.com/lot-map/ . – Ruth Unser
  • Minister Contact Information: If you want to talk to Kelly Grittner, call him at 403-219-3535.


Other information that you might be interested in:

Choir – Rehearsals are after the morning service and start from 11:30 am for an hour. We are always looking for new members.
If you would be interested in joining, we would be delighted to see you. If you have questions about the choir, contact Lee by email at ladyleedow@shaw.ca  or call her at 403-818-9592.

Volunteers needed – Please consider volunteering for the following opportunities to help out at the church.   There will be sign up sheets at the front table and even it you can commit to one Sunday occasionally or maybe once a month that would be very helpful.

Greeters – A friendly face at the door is needed to welcome people and provide help.  It’s a good way to get to know people and check in with old friends.

Coffee Time Volunteers – Coffee will be served after the service but we need some volunteers to make the coffee ahead of the service and clean up afterward.  Please consider helping out in this area even if it is only occasionally or for 1 Sunday a month.

Financial Church Support

  • If you want to financially support our church, there are four ways:
    1. Mail a cheque to Balzac United Church, 10076 TWP Rd 262, Balzac, AB T4B 2T3.
      Mail is picked up on a regular basis.
    2. Using a credit card, you can donate via www.canadahelps.org The national office of our United Church Canada does approve of this online donation method. Balzac will receive your donation less 4% for a processing fee. Your income tax receipt will be issued from Canada Helps.
    3. E – transfer funds directly to the church at our new email address for the treasurer treasurer@balzacunitedchurch.com
    4. Register for PAR (automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account) by emailing Treasurer Support

Sunday School

Sunday school is has started for the new year and registration is on now.  You can download the form here and send it to Mrs. Angela.

● Sunday, January 14: Mission & Service Projects have begun! There will be 2 groups, led by Angela and Victoria. Stay tuned

for more details about the countries we’ve chosen.

Airdrie food bank

Go to the Outreach page to see what is needed at the Airdrie food bank.
Did you know that for every $1 that the Airdrie Food Bank receives they can purchase $3 worth of food items? If you choose to support them in this way, please mark your donation clearly, and BUC will submit all monies received, to the Food Bank.

Veterans Food Bank donations

The month of October is dedicated to supporting the Veterans Food Bank.  Please donate food, Tim’s gift cards, socks or toiletries and we will drop off in Calgary before Remembrance Day.  If you have any questions about this outreach program please contact Sheryl Page at pagecovey@hotmail.com

  • Zoom worship will start up again in the fall if you are unable to attend church in person.  Details will be provided next week.  If you have any suggestions on ways to improve the Zoom worship, please email me at runser@shaw.ca or call me at 403 -289-2715.
  • Sharing news and activities – if you have an announcement or information that you want to share with the congregation, send an email to balzacunitedchurch@gmail.com with the details by Wednesday of the previous week to ensure it gets in the Saturday email and the bulletin.

Card Ministry – If you think someone in the congregation might benefit from receiving a card from the church this week, contact Joyce Covey or Sheryl Page, our card ministers and ask them to send out a card.  Please contact them at covster@shaw.ca for Joyce or pagecovey@hotmail.com  for Sheryl.



Christmas Cantata was held during the service on December 17th 2023.
Listen Here

Getting to Know our Neighbours

The United Churches of Balzac, Airdrie and Irricana are planning three joint worship services as part of a getting to know our neighbour program. This involves each church hosting a joint worship service over the next three months.

Sunday April 14, 2024 Irricana and Airdrie United congregations will be travelling to Balzac United Church for worship at 10:00 am.

On February 11, 2024  Balzac and Airdrie United Church congregations travelled to Irricana United Church to join them for worship at 10:00 am.

On March 10, 2024 Balzac and Irricana United Churches travelled to Airdrie United Church to join them for worship at 10:30 am.

Our neighbouring churches will have activities planned for our Sunday School children. Both churches have invited our choir members to join their choirs. A service bulletin will be available in advance for each of the services.

Joint Worship Food and Snacks – To prepare for our Joint worship after service snacks, there is a sign-up sheet for snacks to bring on April 14th 2024 on the pin board on the left side of the fridge. Please sign up if you can!

  • . March 29th – Good Friday Service with special music from the choir. March 31st – Easter Sunday Service and special music by the choir. Hope to see you all in body or spirit!
  • Confirmation – On March 31st 2024, there will be a Confirmation Celebration for Hannah Walkes. Furthermore if there is anyone who would like to affirm or transfer their membership to BUC formally, March 31st is an invitation to anyone who would like this for themselves to happen. Please contact Minister Kelly Grittner 403-219-3535 for further information and interest.
  • Getting to Know our Neighbours Continues:

Here is the schedule for the upcoming worship service sharing after our visit to Irricana and Airdrie recently.

April 14, 2024 at 10:00 am – Irricana and Airdrie United congregations will be travelling to Balzac United Church for worship.



July 7

June 30

June 23

June 16

June 9

June 2

May 26

May 19

May 12

May 5
Service – You Tube link

April 28

April 21

April 14

April 7

Easter Sunday

Good Friday
Special music

March 24

March 3

Feb. 25

Feb. 18

Feb. 14 Ash Wednesday

Feb. 4

Jan. 21

Jan 14

Jan 7

Dec 24

Dec 17
Christmas Cantata

S. 18

Upcoming kids, youth & young adults events:

Sunday, June 16: Happy Father’s Day

Friday, June 21: National Indigenous Peoples Day, Kids-led service rehearsal 7-8:30 pm at the church. *Bring any costume pieces you need.

Sunday, June 23: Kids-led service, last day of Sunday school until September.