Home Sermons BUC Worship Service – Feb 18

BUC Worship Service – Feb 18

18 Feb

BUC Worship Service – Feb 18

 Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada 

Lent 1 

Sunday February 18, 2024 
Minister: Kelly Grittner, DLM 
Prelude: What Wondrous Love is This – arr. L. Shackley 

Welcoming and Land Acknowledgement 
“As we gather together, let us pause to remember that we live, work and worship on lands that are, by law, the unceded territories of the nations of Treaty 7. As Christ’s people, may we be people of love, of truth, and of reconciliation. May we live with respect on this land, and in peace and friendship with its people.” 

Welcome and Announcements

Service Link
Bulletin link
Hymn Link
Message Link

 Gathering as God’s People 


Lighting of the Christ Candle 

Opening Reading & Response 

“The Walk” “Kneeling in Jerusalem” Ann Weems 

“I Want Jesus to Walk With Me” 
[Traditional African American spiritual.] 

I want Jesus to walk with me; 
I want Jesus to walk with me; 
all along my pilgrim journey, 
Lord I want Jesus to walk with me. 
In my trials, Lord walk with me; 
in my trials, Lord walk with me; 
when my heart is almost breaking, 
Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me. 
When I’m in trouble, Lord walk with me; 
When I’m in trouble, Lord walk with me; 
when my head is bowed in sorrow, , 
Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me. 
When I’m singin’ Lord, walk with me, 
When I’m singin’ Lord, walk with me, 
When I’m praisin’ all of God’s goodness, 
Lord, I want Jesus to walk with me. 

Call to Worship 
A wilderness 
A Journey 
A Temptation 
A wilderness 
A turning 
A calling 
A wilderness 
An encounter 
A renewing 
A wilderness 
A taking up 
A folding away 
A wilderness 
A movement 
A season 
A wilderness 
A vision 
A preparing
Come and meet God, who calls us beyond where we 
are now, to where love will find itself to be. 
Welcome to Lent. 

Hymn I Have Called You by Your Name MV 161 

Prayer of Confession 
While we keep silence 
those who need bread are left hungry 
We confess the times 
we have not spoken up for the hungry 
and our silence has left hunger as our witness 

While we keep silence 
those who need peace shout into the distance 

We confess the times we have silently 
gone along with the world 
rather than pursuing your demands for justice 
and our silence has left distrust as our witness 

While we keep silence, 
those who need comfort 
receive no comforting word. 
We confess the times we 
have been tempted to stand back 
rather than crossing the gulf 
to enter into relationship with one another 
and our silence has left despair as our witness 
Fill our mouths with words of peace, 
our hearts with longing for justice, 
and our lives with acts of love, 

that we may be tempted to trust you, 
and live for you each day. Amen 

Hymn Though I May Speak VU 372 

Scripture Reading 
Mark 1: 9-15 “The baptism, temptation and mission of Jesus” 

Reflection “Trusting God in Lent” Listen to the reflection here

Hymn I, the Lord of Sea & Sky VU 509 

Mission & Service 

Offertory & Presentation of the Offering He Leadeth Me – arr. L. Shackley 

Dedication of the Offering 
Loving Creator, take these gifts, as you have taken us, 
transforming them and blessing them 
to make a difference in the world. Amen 

Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer 
Our Father, who art in heaven. 
hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, 
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil. 
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, 
forever and ever. Amen 

Hymn One More Step Along the World I Go VU 639 

Commissioning & Blessing 
Like the flowers of the field, we are richly blessed. 
So let us go forth filled with thanksgiving, to love and care for others and for the world God made. 
And may the peace of Christ be with us all. 

Postlude: All Creatures of Our God and King – arr. L. Shackley