Home Events Getting to Know our Neighbours
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  • STARTApr 14th - 10:30am

  • ENDApr 14th - 11:30am


Getting to Know our Neighbours

Balzac United church

On April 14, 2024 Irricana and Airdrie United congregations will be travelling to Balzac United Church for worship on Apr. 14 at 10:00am.

  • Joint Worship Food and Snacks – To prepare for our Joint worship after service snacks, there is a sign-up sheet for snacks to bring on April 14th 2024 on the pin board on the left side of the fridge. Please sign up if you can!

The United Churches of Balzac, Airdrie and Irricana planned three joint worship services as part of a getting to know our neighbour program. This involves each church hosting a joint worship service over the next three months.


April 14
10:30 am - 11:30 am
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