Home Faith
17 Mar 2019

2nd in Lent

10076 TWP RD 262, Balzac, Alberta.
22 Mar 2019

Grade 4-6 and Youth meet at 5:30 at the Airdrie Starbucks (by Safeway) for an evening of Progressive supper, followed by dessert and debriefing activity at the church.

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24 Mar 2019

3rd in Lent

10076 TWP RD 262, Balzac, Alberta.
07 Apr 2019
10076 TWP RD 262, Balzac, Alberta.
14 Apr 2019

Palm/Passion Sunday

10076 TWP RD 262, Balzac, Alberta.
19 Apr 2019
10076 TWP RD 262, Balzac, Alberta.
21 Apr 2019

Resurrection Sunday: Easter Day; Earth Sunday

10076 TWP RD 262, Balzac, Alberta.
28 Apr 2019

2nd of Easter; Camping Sunday

10076 TWP RD 262, Balzac, Alberta.
05 May 2019

3rd of Easter

10076 TWP RD 262, Balzac, Alberta.
12 May 2019

Mothers day tea party following the service. Everyone welcome. Mothers Day

10076 TWP RD 262, Balzac, Alberta.