Home Sermons BUC Worship Service – July 21

BUC Worship Service – July 21

21 Jul

BUC Worship Service – July 21

Balzac Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada 
July 21, 2024 Eighth Sunday after Pentecost 
Minister: Rev. Shannon Mang 
Music Ministry: Lee Dowan & Dr. Alex Shawn 

 Prelude My Shepherd Will Supply My Need arr. M. Hayes 

Welcome, Announcements 

Service link
Bulletin link
Reflection link
Reconciliation Story link

Land Acknowledgement 

Acknowledgement of Territory in the form of a prayer that has been adapted from one written by Trisha Watts 

Creator, God of all Creation, 
Blessed are you in the rivers and mountains,
Blessed are you in the whisper of the wind. 
Blessed are you who breathes “Yes” to life. 
Bless this sacred space, 
Bless this sacred time, 
Bless all who gather, open to your presence. 
Creator, God of all Creation, 
Bless the Indigenous Peoples of Treaty 7, 
into whose sacred space our forebears came, 
changing forever their way of life. 
Bless all peoples of Treaty 7, 
May our lives flow with harmony, 
Love and deep respect. 
Creator, God of all 
May we be open to your presence 
Seeing you in all peoples 
Seeing you in all creation 

Lighting the Christ Candle 
We gather with a common desire to follow Christ. We light a candle to recall 
that we are the body of Christ, 
and the light of Christ shines amongst us. 

Hymn The King of Love VU 273 

Minute For Mission Rev. Shannon, Michelle Kotelko 
Listen to the minute for mission here
see the Reconciliation Story

Prayer Of The Day 

Scripture Reading 

Sing The Lord is My Shepherd, VU page 748 
(Brother James’ Air) – Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 

Reflection: Jesus, the Shepherd Listen to the Reflection here

Presentation Of The Offering 

Offertory Response Verse 1 What Can I Do? MV 191 

Dedication Of The Offering 

Prayers for the Day & The Lord’s Prayer 
Our Father, who art in heaven. 
hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, 
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen 

Hymn He Leadeth Me VU 657 


Postlude The Lord’s My Shepherd arr. S. Nielson