Home Sermons Easter Sunday Worship Service – Mar 31

Easter Sunday Worship Service – Mar 31

31 Mar

Easter Sunday Worship Service – Mar 31

Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada 

 Sunday March 31, 2024 Easter Sunday 
 Minister: Kelly Grittner, Candidate OM 
Music Ministry: Lee Dowan and Dr Alex Shawn 

 Prelude : My Lord, What a Morning  arr. L. Shackley 

Service Link
Bulletin link
Hymn Link
Reflection Link

Call to Worship 
It was dark when the women arose, when they gathered the things of remembrance, to prepare his body – the perfumes, the oils. It was dark as they walked to the tomb, the night was still around them, wrapping them, in their grief. it was dark when they looked inside… and then… They heard the truth. 

Christ is risen! What a glorious day! 
Christ is risen, indeed! Our lives are forever changed! 
New life is all around us. Stop and experience the beauty. 
Where once there was death, now there is life! 
Christ is risen, 
Christ is risen indeed! 

Hymn Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Give Thanks VU 179 

Opening Prayer 
In the brokenness and in the joy, in the lonely moments of deepest night, in the hope that comes just before dawn, Your infinite love overwhelms death –and resurrection changes everything. 
As we reach out to each other, 
know that we are reaching out to You, 
knowing that You are always reaching out to us. 
As we reach out to each other, help us to reach into Your world, that we might be people of the Resurrection, seeing the risen Christ in every grace-filled moment, every day of our lives. ALLELUIA! Amen 

Placing of the Daffodils Processional – Tune MV 121 
Hey Now! Singing Hallelujah! 
Hey now the morning has come! 
Hey Now! Singing Hallelujah! 
The tomb was empty at the rising sun. 

Service Of Confirmation– Hannah WalkesListen to the confimation here
Instrumental – I Gave My Life for Thee  -arr. M. Hayes 

Questions and Promises of Hannah & the Congregation 

Congregational Promise 
We promise to stand with you and by you. We will support you, care for you, and pray with you. Together may we all be strengthened in our faith and bound together as God’s people in this place. 

Holy Spirit, be with us all as we journey together. Be with us, guide us, fill us with Holy Mystery. May we always have open hands, open hearts, and open minds. May we recognize you always, thereby knowing strength, happiness, peace, and joy. Amen. 

Hymn I Have Called You by Your Name MV 161 

Scripture Reading John 20: 1-18 

REFLECTION: “Experiencing Jesus” – Listen here

Special Music Name of All Majesty (From At His Name) – J. Raney 

Presentation of the Offering & Offertory 
Instrumental – Morning Has Broken – arr. M. Hayes 

Dedication of the Offering 
We do give you thanks, God of all creation, 
for the gifts in our hands, and the gifts in our hearts. 
Help us to use all that we have to share your life, 
in all of its abundance, everywhere in your world. Amen. 

Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer 
Our Father, who art in heaven. 
hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, 
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, 
forever and ever. Amen 

Hymn Joy Comes With the Dawn VU 166 

We are called to be the vessels that carry God’s precious message of love. We are called to give of ourselves so that the world can be made whole.We are called to reach out in love and to bring healing hope to the world. 
May you feel our Creator lovingly rush towards you in answered prayer, 
May you notice the banquet of spring that the resurrected Christ lays out before you. 
And may you know by the Spirit that new life has begun. 

Postlude – Come Christians, Join to Sing – arr. M. Hayes